I arrived at Lima!

I arrived at Lima safe and am uploading this diary at the open internet space in the hotel.
Unfortunately, the computers here do not support Japanese character. I am afraid people read this might feel troublesome to go through my poor English, but I hope all of you are patient and kind enough!

It was really tiring to take the loooong flights carriyg the very heavy baggages.
But actually, flying to Peru itself was not as bad as I expected. I could sleep for hours, my next seat was vacant on both flight, and the flights were not delayed (this is very important!). What made me exhausted is that I had been tensed up for traveling all by myself to the opposite side of the world which I have never been to...!

It is very cold and rainy here, much colder than Tokyo! My hands are getting cold now typing keyboards, though I am inside the hotel.
Though I stay at a four star hotel, its not comfort for me at all...! It takes a few minitues to get hot shower and the room does not have the air conditioning system. There is a ceiling fan, but it does not help now... To be honest, I already miss the comfort life in Japan, but I do think this trip will be a good experience for me to be able to appreciate what I took for granted in Japan.

I think I will stay at hotel and take a good rest today, as the top priority of this trip is "TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE"! It seems I can not survive without speaking Spanish here, so I have to study basic words and expressions today.

I hope I can find a internet cafe which allows me to type Japanese charactor!